Goals: Professional and Personal

Goals: Professional and Personal

Goals in life and work sometimes coincide and sometimes it feels forced.  Since working at the CVB, at times, I have had to step outside my box and do things that I am not so comfortable doing. When I was asked to do Facebook Lives for work, panic set in.  I dreaded it, would be an understatement. But I trudged along and “worked my magic” in front of the camera.  I told all of those who I interviewed that I was not a professional by any means and just roll with it, even if I screw up or start laughing.  (My mom always said when I got nervous, I always joked and laughed…she was right). I finally got the hang of flipping the camera around and continued with weekly lives on our Facebook page.  I have learned that life is way too short to sweat the small stuff, and just go with the flow.  Oh, I still mess up, but the anxiety isn’t there anymore.

The next big challenge I face at work is writing blogs on a quarterly basis.  That was a goal I set for myself last year, and well….. I did not accomplish that goal.  So, I rolled that goal into this year, and guess what, you are witnessing a goal in action (please be gentle).  Writing has never been a strength of mine.  Thinking about topics to write about is not a strength either.  But rambling on, and just being me, I can handle that, no problem.

So, each quarter, I am going to write about different experiences around our community. Hopefully you will enjoy them, but if you don’t…just keep it to yourself. Wish me luck and stay tuned!

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