
This section assists the community in understanding the programs and funding of the Ross-Chillicothe Convention & Visitors Bureau. We are committed to providing transparency in how the Bureau is funded, how the funds are allocated, and how the Bureau is operated along with the the results that are achieved.

The Ross-Chillicothe Convention & Visitors Bureau is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization that provides information to people interested in traveling to Chillicothe/Ross County. Our funding is provided through lodging taxes generated by guests staying overnight in lodging properties such as hotels, motels, cabins, bed & breakfasts, and Airbnb/VRBO properties. Ross County collects a 3% tax on these room nights which is given to the Bureau for marketing and operations. The City of Chillicothe receives 3% on hotel room nights and provides the Bureau with an annual investment to support its marketing efforts.

Tourism promotion supports the local community. It supports jobs in many industries that directly benefit from travelers such as lodging, retail, food & beverage, entertainment, etc. The entire community benefits indirectly as these industries create supplier demand and jobs in these sectors. Additionally, residents benefit as tourism saves each household $525 in taxes annually.

The Ross-Chillicothe Convention & Visitors Bureau is funded by those who visit and not the people that live here. We thank the community along with local, state, and nationally elected officials for their support as we provide this essential service to the community.

Ross-Chillicothe CVB Bylaws

Marketing Budget 2024

Annual Report 2023

990 Tax Return 2023

State of Ohio Auditor’s Audit Report 2024

Public Records Request Policy

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