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The Meaning of Thanksgiving

The Meaning of Thanksgiving



Believe it or not the real meaning of Thanksgiving isn’t long weekends and turkey. Thanksgiving is actually a day for expressing gratitude towards one another. In the United States most people celebrate by joining their families and friends to gather for a meal around a table together; like the Pilgrims and American Indians many years ago when they came together and celebrated in cooperation.

This year take the time to be thankful for your loved ones. Tell stories from the past, catch up with family members who you aren’t able to see often, and truly enjoy the time you get together this holiday. Maybe even go around the table and name one thing or person you are each thankful for.

Another popular tradition around this time is to begin holiday shopping. Remember while your out doing your Black Friday shopping to think about shopping local. There are so many great deals, and unique items to find when you shop local!

We hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend with all of your loved ones.

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