Some believe that Labor Day marks the Fall season, although pumpkin spices might be back on the menu, September 23rd is the official start of autumn. Regardless of the official date, there are plenty of family-fun activities taking place in September.
Let’s start off by visiting the Salt Creek Valley Festival in Richmond Dale. The communities of Richmond Dale and Londonderry rally around this annual festival which is celebrating its 23rd year. The event showcases community pride and offers some great entertainment, food, and family fun. The event takes place September 13th – 15th.

Tar Hollow State Park provides the perfect setting for the annual Mountain Heritage Festival that takes place September 20th – 21st. As you’re surround by the beauty of the State Park you can find cross-cut saw, spinning, blacksmithing along with other demonstrators. There’s also a wide variety of vendors who will be showcasing their handmade items, special contests during the event, live entertainment and even hay rides for the family.
During the same weekend, Hirsch’s Fruit Farm will be hosting their annual Apple Harvest Open House. This is a weekend to get tours of the orchards, a chance to pick your own apples, plus enjoy a weekend of fun on the farm by making your own scarecrow and pumpkin painting. The nominal charge for parking benefits Habitat for Humanity.

You can also get an early start on the Halloween fun during the Ghost Walk in downtown Chillicothe. This tour takes you inside several buildings, each having served multiple purposed throughout the history of the city, where you will hear some of the building’s history along with the paranormal experiences from employees, owners, and the information gathered by the event’s paranormal researchers.
There are many other events happening throughout Ross County in September. Make sure to visit the online events calendar to start planning your weekend fun!