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Chillicothe Halloween Festival

Chillicothe Halloween Festival

Everyone has a favorite holiday or time of year. Some enjoy the twinkling lights of Christmas, the blossoming flowers of spring, the way the night lights up on the 4th of July and for some of us….well we love everything Halloween!

Halloween evolved from the ancient Celtic holiday Samhain. At the end of summer, the Celts thought the barrier between our world and the world of ghosts and spirits got really thin which meant weird creatures with strange powers could wander about the Earth. The Celts would hold a big festival to scare away the ghosts and spirits.

The second weekend in October, the Chillicothe Halloween Festival continues this celebration for the community. Everything from a haunted house, to a costume contest, live music, special attractions, numerous vendors, festival food, kid’s zone and coffin races. A little something for everyone.

There is just something about the smell of falling leaves and a crisp chill in the air that makes for a even better time at a festival that will not only entertain you but satisfy your year end food trailer cravings and knowing its the last chance of the season.

So if you find yourself at the festival, watch out for ghosts and spirits. You will have Spooktacular time!

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