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Back to School 101

Back to School 101

It’s hard to believe that summer vacation is over! Getting back into the routine is difficult for both parents and kids and we would like to provide some tips that we found that may help make the readjustment go a little easier.

One of the hardest parts of the new school year starting is making sure that everyone involved is on the same page with their schedule. An easy way to help with this is to make sure kids get accustomed to a calendar schedule. You can use a written calendar or one of the many apps if you would prefer to have it on the go. Make sure that your kids take part in selecting the right method so they will be more likely to update and use the calendar. Once you get that in place, make sure that Mom and Dad’s schedule is included so they know what you are doing too.

Technology has taken over our lives and most of us can’t function without our smartphone to tell us what we’re doing next. Children are just as tied to their devices as we are, so to ensure that homework, chores, and other tasks are completed, make sure to establish some rules of when they can use their devices and what is allowed on those devices.

With busy schedules it’s very hard to know everything that is going on during the school year. So make sure to create a good rapport with your child’s teachers. Many of the teachers are now accessible by email which is a great tool to stay in touch with them about your child’s performance in school. If they can’t be reached by email, you can always call or schedule a meeting in person to discuss performance and any concerns.  

Make sure to have a Plan B in place in case your child is sick at school and you can’t leave work to pick them up. After you establish your plan, make sure the person you’ve chosen is allowed to sign your child out of school. These forms are typically sent home with the students on the first day of school. If you have questions about the forms, make sure to contact the school to ensure that you have everything in place for Plan B.

As everyone is adjusting to the new routine, take time to talk with your child about their day at school. This will help you learn how they are adapting to the new school year and allow you to address any concerns that they may have. Also, be available to assist them during homework time. It will let you discover if there are areas of the assignment that they may be struggling with.

Finally, schedule family time to bring everyone together. This could be a simple game night throughout the week or something more elaborate on the weekends, but it should be an activity that allows for conversation so everyone in the family can focus their attention on each other and communicate.

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