Downtown Chillicothe



Nathanial Massie came to the Ohio country in 1788 to survey the lands for the government. In 1796, along with a group of settlers, they embarked up the Scioto River for the purpose of establishing a new settlement along the banks of that river. The settlement quickly became a village, boasting several stores, taverns and shops by the first winter. He named the settlement Chillicothe after one of the Shawnee tribes in the area. Such was the success of the town, he wrote to friends in Virginia extolling the possibilities in business and for healthy living.



Two of the friends were Thomas Worthington and Edward Tiffin. They came to town and settled to seek their fortunes. As the town grew, its population warranted a greater voice in the discussion of the coming of Statehood. Massie, along with Worthington and Tiffin labored for the Democratic-Republican Party and indeed served in the territorial legislature. Their efforts were successful and the result was Ohio’s state admission in 1803.


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